Get your paws on Albanian animal vocabulary
By memorizing words like "qeni" (dog) and "mace" (cat), you'll be able to more easily navigate conversations about pets, wildlife, and maybe even cuisine.
Here are some basic vocabulary words related to animals in Albanian:
qen - dog
mace - cat
pulë - chicken
lopë - cow
peshk - fish
zog - bird
gjarpër - snake
derr - pig
mi - mouse
kalë - horse
elefant - elephant
dele - sheep
dhi - goat
rosë - duck
gjel deti - turkey
delfin - dolphin
luan - lion
tigër - tiger
ari - bear
ujk - wolf
dhelpër - fox
lepur - rabbit
dre - deer
elefant - elephant
And as always you can practice all what you’ve learned in our platform.