A journey through Europe in Albanian language. Unlock the country names
Pack your bags, grab your phrasebook, and let's journey through Europe in Albanian language, one country at a time.
Knowing the names of European countries in Albanian language can help you communicate more effectively with Albanian speakers and understand their culture. It's a valuable skill to have in your language learning toolbox.
Here are the most essential ones:
Shqipëri - Albania
Kosovë - Kosovo
Maqedonia e Veriut - North Macedonia
Mal i Zi - Montenegro
Greqi - Greece
Kroaci - Croatia
Slloveni - Slovenia
Hungari - Hungary
Turqi - Turkey
Poloni - Poland
Austri - Austria
Gjermani - Germany
Francë - France
Spanjë - Spain
Holandë - Netherlands
Suedi - Sweden
Bosnje Hercegovinë - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Serbi - Serbia
Mbretëria e bashkuar - United Kingdom
How to memorize the country names?
Repetition is key for memorization and we've got you covered with Flashcards for the countries we covered in this lesson. And if you're feeling up for a challenge, take our Quiz to test your knowledge and make learning even more fun.