Let's learn some Ramadan wishes and expressions together!
Ramadan Greetings 101: Expressing Joy and Spirituality
Ramadan is considered one of the holiest months in Islam, a month of fasting, prayer and reflection.
We would like to teach our readers who celebrate, some Albanian Ramadan wishes and expressions related to this month.
Gëzuar Ramazanin! - Happy Ramadan!
Agjërim të pranuar! - May your fasting be accepted!
Ramazan - Ramadan
Agjërim - Fasting
Syfyr - Suhoor (the pre-fasting meal you eat before sunrise)
Iftar - The time to break the fasting (the second final meal of the day, that comes after the sunset)
Lutje - Prayer
Namaz (Koha për tu falur) - Prayer time
Reflektim - Reflection
Muaj i bekuar - Holy month
Hurme - Date
Ujë - Water
Ushqim - Food
Pije - Drinks
Përmirësim - Improvement
Paqe - Peace
Qetësi - Calmness
Përmbushje - Fulfillment
Falenderim - Thankfulness
Mungesë e gjumit - Lack of sleep
Këmbëngulje - Determination
Sfiduese - Challenging
Shpërblim - Reward
Profet / Pejgamber - Prophet
Zot - God
Besim - Faith
Mirëkuptim - Understanding
Konsideratë - Consideration
Mirësi - Kindness
Vepra të mira - Good deeds
Muaji hënor - Lunar month
Amin! - Amen!
Falje - Forgiveness
Ndryshim - Change
Fillim i ri - A new start
We hope these expressions enrich your vocabulary and help you use them more often or celebrate your muslim friends during this month.